Looking to practice LGBTQ+ allyship?
Find ideas for actions to take.
This monetary giving is one-time, regardless of the sum.
Can you give monthly? Yearly? Great!
Indiegogo? Kickstarter? GoFundMe? Mutual aid? There are many platforms to help ensure projects, medical bills, and crisis needs are met.
Encourage your employer to sponsor or donate to charitable events, initiatives, or nonprofit organizations. Sometimes, they'll even match your donation up to a specific amount!
Contribute appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds directly to a charity.
There are tons of events and causes like fundraisers (5Ks, drag bingo), Pride events, and blood drives that need volunteers on an as needed basis.
There are lots of mentorship opportunities available, whether for youth, young adults navigating their career field, leadership development, or alumni networks.
Do you have a unique skill that's in need? Maybe you want to help spin up a new website for a non-profit. Whatever your skill, it's likely needed!
A more formal volunteer group that gets together regularly to perform a certain task like a beach clean up or working at a soup kitchen.